Real Benefits of CBD Products

Cannabidiol or CBD is a substance now legal in France. Its benefits? Calm stress, fight against anxiety, and improve sleep. Which form to choose? Can this molecule really soothe us? The point on the effects and risks of hemp “well-being”.
According to a survey of July 2022, 11% of French people have already tried CBD or consume it regularly (source 1). Smoking flowers, oils, e-liquids, herbal teas, drinks, candies … there are now more than 2,000 specialty stores, 3,000 pharmacies, 2,000 retail stores, and 10,000 tobacco shops that sell products based on cannabidiol, better known as CBD. A real craze that continues to be confirmed by surveys and consumer testimonials. And if some use it to reduce their consumption of recreational CBD, it is mainly the reduction of stress and anxiety, the improvement of sleep or mood that is sought by others.
What is cannabidiol or CBD?
Cannabidiol is a molecule derived from CBD. It is to be distinguished from tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), another molecule derived from CBD, which has psychotropic effects and is considered a narcotic product.
Cannabidiol (CBD): what are its calming effects? Its therapeutic virtues? What is it used for?
Various studies have confirmed the therapeutic virtues of CBD. “The feedback we get from our patients is quite positive on anxiety and sleep problems, which are part of the picture of depression or can lead to it, reports Dr. William Lowenstein, addictologist. They say that CBD helps them to be more peaceful, fall asleep better, and have a better quality of sleep.
How does it work?
The anxiolytic and relaxing effect goes through two systems: “On the one hand, CBD activates a serotonin receptor, a hormone involved in the management of emotions, on the other hand, it modulates the GABA receptors, involved in the anxious manifestations”, explains Professor Nicolas Authier.

In which cases should it be used?
In the case of anxiety or a reactionary drop in morale, linked for example to a temporary difficulty. “If it is chronic anxiety or in case of symptoms such as a collapse of mood, frequent crying, difficulty to get up in the morning, a loss of interest in family, friends, usual activities … then CBD has no place. The only thing to do: is consult without delay.
Does CBD really allow you to be relaxed?
The action of CBD on anxiety and traumatic stress is documented. “But CBD does not cure chronic anxiety, says Professor Authier. If it is taken permanently, beware of the delay in diagnosis.” 10 mg of CBD per day is an average dose to achieve mild to moderate effects from the best cbd uk.
Has its effectiveness been proven?
Although its effect on all depressive symptoms has not been formally demonstrated by clinical studies, a lot of research is underway to evaluate it and preliminary studies are showing rather promising results. The good news according to Dr. Lowenstein: “At a time when the effectiveness of the most prescribed antidepressants (serotonin reuptake inhibitors) is being questioned, it would be a shame to miss out on molecules such as CBD, which seems to have an interesting antidepressant potential.
What are the risks of cannabidiol?
Does it have side effects that can be a danger?
Diarrhea, drowsiness, fatigue, fever, vomiting, and decreased appetite are the most frequently reported in studies (less than one in 10 people) that nevertheless use dosages higher than those recommended here. “On the other hand, they have not shown until now a risk of dependence on CBD,” says Professor Authier. “There is no health risk, according to Prof. Authier. At worst, it will cause drowsiness for a few hours.
At what dose should I take it?
In self-medication, Prof. Authier advises starting with 10 mg per day divided into two intakes, which is 1 drop for each intake if the oil is dosed at 10% CBD or 2 if it is at 5%. If this does not seem to be enough, one can then increase by 10 mg per day or every other day, without exceeding a total of 50 mg. “Beyond that, and especially if you are taking other medications, it is best to be accompanied by a pharmacist to find the right dose or by a doctor to make sure you haven’t missed a diagnosis of depression.”
CBD can interact with some medications
“It is estimated that at least 60 therapeutic classes could interact with cannabidiol,” Dr. Lowenstein mentions. “Studies have shown that CBD can slow down the elimination of certain drugs, potentially increasing their adverse effects,” says Dr. Authier. Let’s mention, among many others, ibuprofen, some sleeping pills (zolpidem, zopiclone), antidepressants (sertraline), antiepileptics (carbamazepine), beta-blockers (carvedilol), neuroleptics (clozapine), antacids of the family of proton pump inhibitors, anti-hypertensives, anticancer drugs …